Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Histórias tais, animais e outras mais

Está também a sair este outro livro ilustrado por mim e com textos de Pedro Teixeira Neves da colecção "rimas de inventar", na Caminho.
As histórias brincam com os vários significados das palavras e as suas grafias
This is one of my new books. They are illustrated by me and the text is from Pedro Teixeira Neves.

The stories play with the different meanings and ways of writing words (that only make sense in portuguese!)


Jean-Claude said...

adorei a cara do coelho e a técnica...muito interessante...

julia said...

Is he sad ? The rabbit, I mean. If he is, I'll draw him a carrot.
Seriously: I like your compositions. How sad I don't speak portugese (I'll draw myself a carrot, so I won't be sad, either).

mike r baker said...

I love your drawings! I know I've said that before. This looks like a wonderful book. I'd love to know Portugese. It's such a beautiful language.